Little break for 25 days/ Descanço por 25 dias
I am back in Florida and Gildo is in Rio. I found my house intact but the fence and all the leaves of the Palm trees are gone. Just got power back this afternoon after 5 days. I was about to buy a generator, but postponed for tomorrow, so I saved 1500 usd...I think people will be more careful next hurricane.
We will be back on the road (South of Peru, Bolivia and North of Chile) on November 21st.
Estou de volta na Florida e Gildo no Brasil. Nada foi destruido na minha casa, fora das palmeiras que ficaram praticamente sem folhas e a cerca que foi arrancada. perto dos estragos dos outros, não foi nada. Hoje a tarde voltou a luz depois de 6 dias. joguei fora uns 3 sacos de lixo de comida estragada da geladeira e do Freezer. Estava pronto para comprar um gerador. fui salvo pelo gongo. Se a luz não tivesse voltado hoje, teria gasto $1500 usd pelo Gerador.
voltaremos para o Peru dia 21 de Novembro, para iniciarmos a terceira etapa: Sul do Peru ( Machu- Pichu, etc) Bolivia ( lago Titicaca, Potosí) e norte do Chile ( deserto de Atacama)
Dear Homero,
I have just returned from Bremen where Felix is now for rehabilitation especially for kids and young people being also prepared for school and job. I had two weeks off and gave him a company. Now he feels good and save in this new instituiton, came back with me for the weekend and will return to Bremen by train, coming home all coming weekends until his recovery.
I just checked your blog to see what happened and I'm very happy to see/read that you're all fine, especially after this very bad hurricane Wilma. I didn't have any news from Melissa for a while, will write soon, hope you're able to receive emails anyway.
All the best for all of you
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