Friday, November 04, 2005

I am thinking.../ Estou pensando...

I am sitting in my car, going from Fort Lauderdale to Atlanta,( my friend Manolo is driving) for a trade fair and thinking about the whole trip, specially after receiving so many comments from people we did not know before, and that starting to write to us when they received the link from other friends. Interesting that what was supposed to be a private, intimate blog, became a public thing, but we like it and we would be very happy to meet all these new friends. Maybe we can arrange for a big party when we finally reach Rio de Janeiro…
After reflecting upon the last 13,000 km, I can say that the real danger of making a trip like this is that it will make you addicted. It is hard to go back to your normal “rat race” life. Our routine everyday during the trip is the way life should be (at least after a couple of years of hard work...)
We wake up when we fells like, have a good breakfast with all the peace of the world (sometimes it is delicious, and sometimes not so delicious with terrible consequences to my stomach….) then we gear up and drive on a scenic road, listen to our preferred music and we stop when we want. I tell you, the real danger is addiction…I read many times that the most difficult part of anyone who sail around the world is to get used to the life on land, the commitments, the timetable, etc. and now I can experiment this feeling. So, you may wonder what I am trying to say? I WANT TO GO BACK TO MY BIKE QUICK!!!!!!.
The next leg should be even more spectacular as far as landscape. Bolivia is VERY poor, but the landscape absolute fantastic.
And we are already planning the next trip… From Germany to Australia, then New Zealand, Chile, and then Rio de Janeiro again. Kind of Round the world trip. I told you, it is addicting…

Estou sentado no banco de traz, Manolo está dirigindo ( carro e não moto) , indo de Fort Lauderdale para Atlanta, onde vamos participar de uma feira ( tenho de trabalhar um pouco, senão me demitem…) Manolo está nos visitando, para preparar a moto dele, que vai enviar para Santiago. Estou pensando nestes ultimos 13000 kms que rodamos desde Agosto, principalmente de pois de ler alguns comentarios de novos amigos que passaram a ler nosso blog. Era pra ser uma coisa familiar, intima, e acabou ficando um blog publico, mas ficamos felizes de poder proporcionar alguns momentos de “aventura” para os amigos. Fiquei pensando que o maior perigo de se fazer uma viagem destas é que isto vicia. Gildo e eu já estamos secos para voltarmos para Lima, pegar as motos e partir para as montanhas, e não fazem nem 10 dias que voltamos de lá. Sempre lí nos relatos das pessoas que dãoa volta ao mundo de veleiro, que a maior dificuldade é se adaptar a vida “normal”de ter hora para acordar, hora pra comer, hora pra tudo. Nossa rotina durante a viagem é uma tranquilidade só. Acordamos a hora que queremos, tomamos um café gostoso em paz, sem pressa, nos vestimos e curtimos a estrada, a paisagem, escutando nossa musica preferida,e paramos quando queremos onde queremos. Por isto digo que isto vicia. Já estou planejando a proxima viagem: Volta ao mundo, saindo da Alemanha, descendo via Austria, Praga, turquia, Iran, etc, até a Australia. Depois mandamos a moto para Nova Zelandia, e de lá para Santiago do Chile, subindo os Andres de novo, entrando pelo Paraguay e terminando no Rio. O mundo tá ficando pequeno…Tô dizendo que isto vicia…


At 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alemanha, Austria, Turquia, Iran..epa, faltou alguma coisa ai, que pulo grande, e a estadia no Hotel Abu Graib ???
Depois um café da manhã com o Osama, um Tsunami , e la ja esta a Australia... Ta louco !

(tem vaga pra + 1 ? )

At 1:50 PM, Blogger Timy Gonzalez said...

Since you are going to atlanta, stop in Denver if you get a chance for lunch or coffee. If you come, please let me know so I can send you my address by email.

At 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Homero,

You put the fingers exactly where it's hurt: the addcition. I know that though our clients who bought a boat to sail around the world...There are so many thinks to do than sitting behing our pc trying to get money for what? You next trip shabb be a catamaran or at least a boat because discovering the world on board a ship, and approaching the land by boat it is completely different! I am afraid to understand so much that I "slow down" the biz unconsciously! Take care of you and congratulation for your alive blog! Bisous - Rachel de France


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