Monday, November 21, 2005

Buenos Dias, Peru

It is 1.40 am, I just made the check-in at the Hotel Sol de Oro, which is full and because of that, I got a HUGE apartment for the same price. Not bad for the beginning of the trip. At the customs, I had to pay us$50 (import duty) for the 4 off road tires, which is also reasonable. Gildo will be arriving at noon, so I am going to sleep as much as I can tonight.

São 1.40 da manhã e acabei de fazer o check in no Hotel Sol de Oro, em Miraflores, um bairro chique de Lima. Como o Hotel está cheio, me deram um apartamento enorme, maravilhoso, pelo mesmo preço. No aeroporto, tive de pagar 50 usd de impostos pelos 4 pneus off road que trouxe (achei razoavel). Gildo chega ao meio dia. vou aproveitar para dormir até as coisas melhorarem...


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